P.R.E.P. (formally known as CCD) is a religious education program available to parish children from Level 1 through Level 8. Through P.R.E.P., our parish provides education in the faith for those unable to benefit from the Catholic school system. The program is staffed by the D.R.E. with volunteer catechists (teachers, co-teachers and aides) sought from the congregation. Catechists must be confirmed Catholics, high school graduates, with no canonical impediments to the sacraments. Aides may be under 18 and currently in high school. All instruction is faithful to the Magisterium of the Church. Texts used are in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and approved for use in the Diocese of Philadelphia.
Epiphany/Stella Maris CCD REGISTRATION 2023-2024
Registration for Religious Education is now open!
- Students must be 6 or older by 9/1/23
- Copy of Baptismal Certificate
- Completed Registration Form by 9/1/23
- Registration Fee $175; $75 Deposit due by 9/1/23
*Early Bird Special $140
Registration Form and $40 Deposit due by 6/30/23
Please contact Marie Milano
email: stellamarisdre@comcast.net or
phone: 215-465-2336 or use the form below.