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Interested in the Catholic Faith?
Epiphany of our Lord is offering an RCIA (The Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults) Program, run by Fr. Casey.
RCIA is the process of bringing people into the Catholic
Church and is designed for those who are not baptized,
those coming from other faith traditions and baptized
Catholics who want to complete their sacraments.
Catholics who want to refresh their faith are also welcome.
RCIA is not a class one must pass rather than a journey of
conversion and encounter with Jesus Christ leading to
reception into the Catholic Church. The sessions are
designed to stimulate the candidate intellectually and
spiritually and provide a thorough study of all aspects of
the Catholic faith. There are no tests but there are reading
assignments from the Bible and the textbooks.
Each candidate will need a Sponsor. Your Sponsor should
be an active adult Catholic who can assist you with your
journey into reception into the Church.

There is no cost for RCIA and we provide all the
materials you need. We recommend bringing something
to take notes with. We meet on Wednesday evening from
7 to 8 PM in the Rectory beginning in September.

Please note that if a candidate is married, they must be
validly married to receive the Sacraments.
Please contact Fr. Casey at if you are interested in RCIA or have any questions.

Today’s Scripture

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Five loaves and two fish cannot feed a crowd of five thousand men (plus at least as many women and children). It is impossible. Not even a year’s salary (the equivalent of two hundred denarii) could buy enough for such a feast, as Philip nervously points out. And yet, when the Apostles hand over their paltry resources to the Lord, they become more than enough to do the job. The same goes for every Christian, including ourselves. The mission we have received, the mission of becoming saints, the mission of using our gifts and talents to help others lead fulfilled and fulfilling lives, the mission of being bright torches in this dark world, torches that guide searching souls towards the hope of heaven – this mission is beyond our natural capacities. It’s too much for us, which may be one reason we tend not to think about it too much. Whose natural talents and wisdom are sufficient to defeat the forces of evil that seem to hold the world in tow? Whose innate strength is sufficient to put an end to the selfishness, lust, and greed that rage within the human heart? How can the meager resources of a single parish or diocese suffice to do battle with media moguls, corrupt politicians, international banking cartels, and other agents of the culture of death? We only have five loaves and two fish; by ourselves we can do nothing. Only if we put all we have and all we are into Christ’s hands, confiding in him and not ourselves, can we hope to fulfill our life mission and make a real difference for the good of the Kingdom – in our hearts and in society at large. What we could never achieve on our own, we can immeasurably surpass with God. As Jesus himself put it, “For God, everything is possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Please pray for our sick that they may receive God’s healing strength: Teresa Morone, Albert Ferranti, Marisa Della Pia, Dom Dinella, Sarah Wallace, Marie Devlin, James Curci, Susan and Frank Addis, Grace Jones, Brian Ligato, Danielle Peters, Marie and Hugh Quigley, Geraldine DiDonato, Pam Casey, Gerri Liberato-Abbott, Louie DiBruno, Michael Cornaglia, Sr., Angel Scorza, Linda Sammaritano, Sister Peg, Stephanie Sinex, Shawn Keefe, Maria Dattilo, Ashleigh Leone, Tommy Van Horn Jr., Fr. Casey, Mary Young, Rose Campolongo, Landon Reid, Annette Slattery, Anna Musolino, Joann Auld, Pat Kennedy, Sr. Francine OSF, Constance DeMayo, Robert Federico, Tom Rucci