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Epiphany/Stella Maris
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 Registration Form and $40 Deposit due by 6/30/24
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Today’s Scripture

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

As we come closer to Pentecost and the end of the Easter season, the Church brings us back to the Last Supper with today’s Gospel passage. The moment is solemn. Jesus is at table with his intimate collaborators, his handpicked Twelve Apostles. He knows that this is the last time they will be gathered in this way until they meet again in eternity. Nothing is carelessly said. Everyone on their deathbed has their final words, their legacy: these are the Lord’s final words. Jesus explains that he has loved us, and that he longs for us to remain in his love, to stay in his friendship, so that we may experience the indescribable joy that flows from true love. And then he lays down his New Commandment, the summary of all his teaching and of his entire life: “love one another as I love you.” The Ten Commandments of the Old Testament were summarized by Jesus during his public life in two commandments of the New Testament: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. But now, at the climax of his earthly mission, Jesus combines those two into a final, New Commandment: love one another as I have loved you. This is the Christian battle plan. At the Last Supper, Jesus was on the verge of his final battle against evil and all the forces of darkness. And the Church he is forming through his Apostles will take that same battle to the ends of the earth and to every corner of human history and culture. The plan is so simple and straightforward, summed up in this single, final, definitive command: love one another as I have loved you. We are Christ’s soldiers, and that is our mission.

Please pray for our sick that they may receive God’s healing strength: Teresa Morone, Albert Ferranti, Marisa Della Pia, Dom Dinella, Sarah Wallace, Marie Devlin, James Curci, Susan and Frank Addis, Eileen McClain, Grace Jones, Brian Ligato, Danielle Peters, Marie and Hugh Quigley, Geraldine DiDonato, Pam Casey, Gerri Liberato-Abbott, Louie DiBruno, Michael Cornaglia, Sr., Karen Specht, Angel Scorza, Tom and Linda Sammaritano, Sister Peg, Stephanie Sinex, Shawn Keefe, Maria Dattilo, Ashleigh Leone, Tommy Van Horn Jr., Fr. Casey, Mary Young, Rose Campolongo, Landon Reid, Annette Slattery, Anna Musolino, Joann Auld, Pat Kennedy, Sr. Francine OSF, Constance DeMayo, Robert Federico, Tom Rucci