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Epiphany/Stella Maris
Registration for Religious Education is now open!
1.         Students must be 6 or older by 9/1/24
2.          Copy of Baptismal Certificate
3.         Completed Registration Form by 9/1/24
4.         Registration Fee $175; $75 Deposit by 9/1/24
*Early Bird Special $140
 Registration Form and $40 Deposit due by 6/30/24
Phone: 215-465-2336
for information and form
Today’s Scripture

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

On Good Shepherd Sunday, we
are invited to reflect on the
tender care and guidance that
Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
provides to us, His flock. Today,
we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, a day to
remember and reflect on the beautiful image of Jesus as
our shepherd. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “I am
the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep
know me” (John 10:14). As our shepherd, Jesus knows
each of us intimately—our joys, our struggles, our
journeys. He calls us by name and leads us to pastures
of peace and renewal. The good shepherd does not lead
from behind but walks ahead, facing the dangers,
fighting off the threats, and guiding the way. The
shepherd’s staff is both a tool of guidance and a weapon
of protection. Similarly, Jesus guides us with his
teachings and protects us with his grace. He laid down
his life for us, the ultimate act of love, so that we might
have life abundantly. On this day, we are also reminded
of our own call to shepherd those in our care with love,
patience, and dedication. We are called to be the hands
and feet of the Good Shepherd in a world that yearns
for his presence. Let us listen to the voice of the Good
Shepherd and follow him with trust, knowing that He
leads us to the fullness of life. May this Good Shepherd
Sunday inspire us to trust in the loving care of Christ
and to extend His shepherding love to all we meet.

Please pray for our sick that they may receive God’s healing strength: Teresa Morone, Albert Ferranti, Marisa Della Pia, Dom Dinella, Sarah Wallace, Marie Devlin, James Curci, Susan and Frank Addis, Eileen McClain, Grace Jones, Brian Ligato, Danielle Peters, Marie and Hugh Quigley, Geraldine DiDonato, Pam Casey, Gerri Liberato-Abbott, Louie DiBruno, Michael Cornaglia, Sr., Karen Specht, Angel Scorza, Tom and Linda Sammaritano, Sister Peg, Stephanie Sinex, Shawn Keefe, Maria Dattilo, Ashleigh Leone, Tommy Van Horn Jr., Fr. Casey, Mary Young, Rose Campolongo, Landon Reid, Annette Slattery, Anna Musolino, Joann Auld, Pat Kennedy, Sr. Francine OSF, Constance DeMayo, Robert Federico, Tom Rucci